Ride-Hailing is a Problem for the 617888九五至尊娱乐. 这是为什么.


Ride-Hailing is a Problem for the 617888九五至尊娱乐. 这是为什么.

What if we could live our lives without being tethered to owning a car?

In 2020, 出行时不需要为个人拥有汽车而烦恼和花费,这正变得越来越有可能. For those who do own cars, there are many reasons to leave your car at home and use either public transportation, a ride-hailing service such as Uber or Lyft, 或者两者的结合. 也许你是出差,不想开车去机场或处理停车费. 在同样的商务旅行中,也许省去租车的方便和经济是吸引人的. Maybe you don’t want to deal with traffic, parking, or navigating around an unknown place. 也许你担心汽车排放对环境的影响,想要减少你的碳足迹.

不管是什么原因, leaving your car at home—or not owning one in the first place—can offer a lot of benefits. 但是根据一个 groundbreaking UCS analysis,它也 是有代价的.

The impact of ride-hailing services

作为人类, 我们渴望移动性,在寻求阻力最小的道路时,会选择最方便的方式. 这些倾向是网约车公司正在经历的指数级增长背后的原因. In the US, ride-hailing services now provide far more trips than taxis. On a typical day, Uber completes nearly 14 million trips; in 2018, Lyft celebrated one billion rides.

With odometers running day and night around the globe, it’s hard not to think about what those many, many miles mean for our environment, and what impact they’re having on our changing climate. 今天,交通运输是美国最大的温室气体排放源. While it’s tempting to think of ride-hailing services as a climate-friendly option, 我们的分析显示,如今的网约车出行比它们所取代的出行方式污染程度高69%左右.


There are a couple of reasons. One is a phenomenon known as 免费入场: the miles driven with no passengers in the car. 这种情况经常发生在把乘客A送到机场和接几英里外的乘客B之间. 结果是, 平均而言,非拼车出行比私家车出行产生的碳排放量高出近50%.

然而, 网约车不仅取代了汽车出行,还取代了步行等其他低碳交通方式, 骑自行车, 和运输. When these are accounted for, 据估计,平均一次网约车出行产生的排放量比它所取代的出行多69%.

没错:虽然这些服务代表了我们出行方式的重大转变,并为消费者提供了真正的便利, our analysis of the data shows that ride-hailing companies are increasing 617888九五至尊娱乐污染.


In light of our findings, 我们建议网约车公司和政策制定者开始做出明智的选择,将网约车服务对617888九五至尊娱乐的负面影响降到最低, 尤其是政策制定者正在努力跟上网约车公司带来的快速增长和变化.

So, what solutions will help alleviate some of these problems? 好消息是,拼车和加速向电动汽车的过渡可以 减少排放. Compared to an average private car trip, a pooled ride-hailing trip has similar emissions; an electric ride-hailing trip can cut emissions by about 50 percent; and an electric and pooled ride-hailing trip can reduce emissions by nearly 70 percent.  Consumers can do their part too: if you use ride-hailing services, you can push these companies and your local policymakers to do better.


  • 网约车出行对碳的影响远高于它们所取代的出行——平均一次网约车出行产生的碳排放量估计比它所取代的出行多69%.
  • Compared to a private car trip, a non-pooled ride-hailing trip produces about 47 percent more carbon emissions.
  • 两名乘客拼车出行的排放量与私家车出行相似, and about 33 percent lower polluting than a non-pooled ride-hailing trip.
  • 使网约车电动化将极大地改善网约车出行的617888九五至尊娱乐排放. An electric ride-hailing trip would cut emissions by about 50 percent compared to a private vehicle trip; a pooled, 与私家车出行相比,电动网约车出行将减少近70%的排放(与非拼车出行相比,约减少79%)。.
  • 平均, 公共汽车和铁路出行的碳排放量比私家车出行、拼车或非拼车出行都要低. 然而, using ride-hailing to connect to transit can be a good low-carbon choice. 例如, a pooled ride-hailing trip connecting to the train, where the ride-hailing trip is a quarter of the total trip length, can be more than 50 percent less polluting than a private vehicle trip.
